In 2000 contact was made with the Philadelphia Archdiocese offices to see if an Enthronement Weekend could be done in all of the parishes. The response was that while these devotions have been a strong part of our Catholic heritage, they are based on private revelation, so it would be up to each Pastor as to whether he wanted it done in his parish. It was in that spirit that we proceeded.
The first Enthronement Weekend was done on the feast of Christ the King in November of 2001 at my home parish of Saint Thomas the Apostle.


The response to the Enthronement Weekends has been overwhelming as evidenced by the Pastor Quotes and the large number of parishes completed and Enthronement Packets distributed.

We had been content to do Enthronement Weekends in the Philadelphia area.  However, along the way, the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother have placed on our hearts a sense of urgency to help Enthronement Weekends to spread beyond the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

The ministry was featured in the June 17, 2004 issue of the Catholic Standard and Times (weekly newspaper for the Philadelphia Archdiocese) and as a result this helped inspire interest from other areas. Also the Holy Spirit has led many holy priests and lay people to our website.

It is our hope and prayer that someday all of our people will be given the opportunity to welcome Jesus and Mary into their homes and hearts.  To this end we have documented the Enthronement Weekend process so that it can be easily started in other areas.  It is our hope that this web site will continue to be a vehicle to help spark that growth.  Pope John Paul II frequently called upon Catholics to strengthen the "domestic church" -- the family -- and this is exactly what these devotions are meant to accomplish. Our world is in desperate need of it. 

Contact us for more information! 

Enthronement by Parish Ministry
